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How to set up stunning overlays and visuals for Kick.com


4 min read

Just starting your stream on Kick and looking to make it stand out, or are you just looking for a change of pace? You're in the right place! In this tutorial we're going to go over how to set up Alerts, an on stream Chat, and more! 


Getting Started

To get started you're going to need an AeroKick account. AeroKick is a suite of tools for Kick ranging from a chrome extension, to custom emotes, a cloud chat bot, and Augmented Displays. If you need help getting signed up, we have a post about that Here.


Augmented Displays

Augmented Displays are AeroKicks custom stream visuals system. Augmented Displays provide everything from Chat, to alerts, streamethon timers and more. All in one cohesive system, with beautiful fluid animations and stunning graphics.

This tutorial will walk your through everything you need to know to get an Augmented Display set up for your Kick stream. 


Enabling The Bot

In order for the Augmented Display system to work, you must first enable the AeroKick Chat Bot. This allows AeroKick to connect to your channel, and recieve events like follows, subs, etc.

To enable the bot, you'll want to visit the Bot Management Page on the AeroKick Dashboard. If you haven't already enabled the chat bot, you will see a modal like the following:

Click the "Enable Bot" button, this will switch the modal to a new modal like the following:

Following those instructions, open the Kick Channel Moderators Page and add AeroKick as a Moderator.

Once AeroKick has been added as a moderator, you can click the "I Have" button, which will enable the AeroKick Chat bot.


Creating your first Augmented Display

Once you've signed in and enabled the AeroKick Chat Bot, it's time to create your first Augmented Display. Augmented Displays are AeroKicks on-stream visuals system. Let's get started by clicking the Augmented Displays tab on the left nav bar, this will bring you to a page like the following:

It will start empty, so let's get our first Augmented Display added, we're going to start with Slim since it's one of the free Augmented Displays. From the right side of the screen click the + icon on the Slim card. If Slim isn't visible, you can click the Explore More button, or click Here.

This will add the Slim Display to your inventory:

Go ahead and click on the newly created Display, which will bring you to the Augmented Display editor.


Configuring your Augmented Display

By default, your editor should look something like this:

Let's quickly go over each section:

Section 1:

Section 1 is the configuration section. This section let's you turn on/off the built in Augments, as well as tweak any settings each Augment may have, such as color, alignment, custom sounds, etc.

Section 2:

Section 2 allows you to add "Optional Augments", link your OBS, or get the Augmented Display browser source link. Optional Augments are Augments that can be added an infinite number of times to a given Augmented Display. This includes stream labels, the AeroKick Streamathon timer, and more coming soon. Linking OBS to the editor will allow the Augmented Display Editor to show a live preview of your OBS scene, making it much easier to place augments exactly where you want them!

Section 3:

Section 3 is the "Simulation" section. This section gives you quick buttons to simulate any event that could trigger something in an Augmented Display, like fake chat messages, or a follow. This allows you to easily see what the Display will look like when it's actually in use!

Section 4:

Section 4 is the Augmented Display Canvas. This is where you are able to move, scale, resize, and position each Augment in an Augmented Display


Feel free to mess around and play with the editor! Here are some helpful tips about how the editor works

  • Snapping: All Augments in the editor will automatically snap/align with both the canvas, and other Augments in the canvas. If you would like to temporarily disable snapping, you can hold `CTRL` on your keyboard while dragging.
  • You can hold `SHIFT` on your keyboard while dragging, this will make it so the Augment you are moving will only move directly horizontally or vertically.
  • Rotation: Some Augments support rotation(such as the optional label Augment) you can rotate these Augments using the little handle that will show up above them. You can hold shift while rotating to snap to 45 degree angles.
  • If you would like to place an Augment slightly off-screen for whatever reason, you can hold `CTRL` which will allow you to drag Augments partially off screen.


Linking OBS

If you would like to, the AeroKick Augmented Display Editor can be linked to your OBS, this will allow the editor to show a preview of your OBS scene to make placing Augments much easier. Setting this up is as simple as clicking the "Link OBS" button in the lower left of the editor and following the 4 step instructions that pop up. Once you have finished, you will see your OBS scene in the background of the editor automatically


Adding the Augmented Display to your streaming software

Now thet you have configured everything the way to want, it's time to add the browser source to your streaming software. Click the "Get Link" button in the lower left, this will open a small modal with the link, some instructions, and a copy button:

Go ahead and click the copy button, this will copy the link to your clipboard. Now open your streaming software, and add a new Browser Source. When configuring the browser source, make sure to set the source width and height to 1920 by 1080. If using OBS we recommend turning on the "Use custom frame rate" checkbox and setting it to 60. We also recommend turning on the "Shutdown source when not visible" checkbox. Once you have pasted the link in and configured the browser source, save it and you're good to go!


You can always return to the AeroKick editor to tweak/change things as you'd like, and everything in your streaming software will update in real-time automatically.


Dynamic Displays

AeroKick also features a number of "Dynamic" Augmented Displays. These are displays that require a subscription to AeroKick Dynamic to use. These Augmented Displays feature much more interactive animations and visuals. Some of them even have full stream asset packs including scenes, cam frames, and more!

Even if you are not a subscriber, you are able to add Dynamic Displays to your inventory. When you open them they will be in trial mode, this means that you can still configure them, and use the test buttons to see how the display would look, but the Display will not connect to your stream. 

Many of the Dynamic Displays feature what we call the "Fluid Animation System." This is an advanced animation system that allows the different Augments in the Display to interact with eachother no matter where you place them on the Canvas:


Dynamic Displays also may come with build in sound FX that perfectly adjust and adapt to match each animation in the Augmented Display!

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